Common Signs You Need a Night Guard for Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a common issue affecting many people during their sleep, often leading to various health problems and overall discomfort. Read on to learn more about the four common signs you need a night guard to prevent teeth grinding.

Day-Long Jaw Tenderness

One of the most common signs you need a night guard for teeth grinding is experiencing day-long jaw tenderness. This pain often impacts the joints connecting your skull to your jawbone – temporomandibular joints (TMJ). Grinding your teeth throughout the night increases the pressure placed on your joints, leading to debilitating inflammation and strain. As a result, many “teeth grinders” struggle to open and close their mouth, impacting their ability to communicate or eat comfortably. In severe instances, this persistent jaw tenderness can change an individual’s diet and mental health.

Worn or Damaged Teeth

If your teeth look flatter, shorter, or even chipped, chances are you require a nightly mouth guard. When you grind your teeth at night, the constant friction between the upper and lower teeth can lead to the enamel getting worn away, making your teeth more susceptible to decay and sensitivity. Additionally, teeth grinding can result in small cracks or fractures in your teeth that cause more severe complications, such as toothache, gum recession, and even tooth loss. Worn teeth are more than a simple cosmetic concern – the health risks are serious and require a quality night guard to prevent further issues.

Regular Morning Headaches

If you find yourself waking up with headaches regularly, teeth grinding could be the culprit. The excessive clenching and grinding of your teeth during sleep can cause tension in the muscles of your face, head, and neck, leading to painful headaches upon waking. These headaches can range from mild to severe and may even progress into migraines, significantly affecting your daily life. Using a night guard can reduce the stress on these muscles while you sleep, ultimately decreasing the frequency and intensity of your morning headaches.

Disruptive Sleeping Habits

Teeth grinding not only affects your health but can also disrupt the sleep of others, especially if you share a room or bed with another individual. The noise produced by grinding can be quite loud and disturbing, causing your partner or roommate to wake up frequently throughout the night. In fact, significant others are often the first people to notice if their partner has a teeth-grinding issue, as they are directly affected by the sounds and movements. This disruption can lead to poor sleep quality for both parties, resulting in irritability, fatigue, and decreased productivity during the day.

Pay attention to these four common signs that you may need a night guard for teeth grinding to ensure optimal oral health. However, don’t settle for a cheap mouth guard from your local pharmacy – receive an effective and custom-made night guard from qualified and trusted family dentistry in Bellevue, WA. Contact our friendly Bellevue Hilltop Dental team today to learn more about preventing teeth grinding.